
Cleaning Tips from Pinterest

I must be honest. I always have good intentions. For example...pinning tons of cleaning tips/ideas on Pinterest.  Tonight I finally decided to take action.  Here is that I tried out:

#1: Cleaning my Keurig. about that. I have never cleaned mine.  Or knew how. I liked this website because they had a video and step by step instructions. My kitchen currently smells like vinegar. It is gross. Really gross. But I am hoping it cleans it well.  I am running through another few batches of water until the vinegar smell goes away. Hopefully soon!

Clean a Keurig Directions

#2: I had to clean my bathrooms tonight anyways so I gave this tip a try.  I know this isn't ground breaking or rocket science to figure out. But I know a refresher is always nice. Putting baking soda in the toilet. Duh.  Add a cup to the toilet, leave it for an hour, and then flush. It will clean the toilet and absorb the odor.

I found it at this nifty site that has 75 uses for baking soda. Check it out here!

#3: Yes, I only got to 3 of them tonight. Then I will reward myself with some Netflix and wine. A typical weeknight for a teacher on summer break. Right?!

Number 3 is cleaning out our smelly garbage disposal. And who would have thought...baking soda helped me out again?!  I have seen fancy sites that teach you how to make tablets, but I was looking for a quick fix.  So I went to Fun Home Things for simple directions that use lemon juice and baking soda. I must say there is no awful stench anymore.  However, I am still smelling the vinegar from cleaning the Keurig.  Ew.

Happy cleaning!  I am hoping to try a few more out soon. Hoping being the key word. We will see when (or if) I get to them.

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